Thursday, December 10, 2009

General Statistics

GDP: $3.304 trillion
GDP Real Growth Rate: 7.4%
GDP per Capita: $2,900
Population living under poverty line: 25%
Life Expectancy: 69.89 years
Adult Literacy: 61%
Birth Rate: 21.76/1,000
Death Rate: 6.23/1,000
Population growth rate: 1.548%
Age Structure
0-14 years: 31.1%
15-64 years: 63.6%
65 years and over: 5.3%
Infant Mortality Rate
30.15 deaths/1,000 live births
Data derived from: CIA World Fact Book

Today India is a growing country that has rapidly changed due to industrialization. India has the fourth largest GDP. This is higher than countries such as Saudi Arabia, Germany and the United Kingdom. However, as far as GDP per capita it is ranked 167th in the world. This is due to the rapid growth in India’s population. The population is now at 1,166,079,217people. This is only ranked second to China. With this massive population, the distribution of wealth is spread very thin causing such a large number to live under the poverty line. With GDP per capita so low, you can see why literacy is only 61% which means that people can’t afford to be educated. There also may be a correlation between GDP per capita and life expectancy. Right now the life expectancy is at 69.89 years.

Even thought the majority of the population is at the working only about 523.5 million people in the labor force which is only 45% of the population; compared to the US’s 51.4%.Indians also run a high risk for disease that could contribute to a high infant mortality rate and death rate such as hepatitis A and B and typhoid fever. Another thing that can contribute to a small number of literate adults is that the average for years in school is 10 years, compared to the US at 16 years. (CIA World Fact Book)

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